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Per My Brother
Steve Blum knows how to pack a panel! There was little free room at his MomoCon panel, and it was a joy to attend.

Steve Blum makes his first visit to Atlanta at MomoCon 2013. While he’s been a voice actor in many, many TV, movie and video game productions, which are far too many to list, he discusses the various anime and other programs he’s worked on with his fans.

Steve never thought he’d be popular before becoming a voice actor. He was surprised by the fame. And working as Spike on Cowboy Bebop was a turning point for his career.

He doesn’t have any favorite characters, other than the one he’s about to voice. He prepares by screaming on the LA freeway.

Steve doesn’t usually watch the programs (or play the videogames) he’s acted in, and prefers to get feedback from others.

Working with Frank Welker on Scooby Doo was a fanboy moment for Steve.

The most physically taxing voice he creates is for Wolverine, because he creates the deep voice, but also because he tends to physically throw punches in the air (mimicking the animation). The easiest character is Vincent Valentine, from Final Fantasy.