Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag against all odds

The Hive Offers Swarms of Similarities

The horror genre is rife with films that often seem like mere replicas of one another. For example, in 2005, both The Descent and The Cave told tales of a group of spelunking friends who find themselves pursued by cave-dwelling… Continue Reading →

Will Blind Frog Ranch’s Mystery Remain Unsolved?

What’s the deal with Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch? And is its concept actually based on something factual, or is it simply a whole lotta hype about nothing?

Digging for Clues Reveals More Skinwalker Ranch Mysteries

Paranormal elements including electromagnetic anomalies, unusual phenomena, unidentified flying objects, cattle mutilations, strange radiation emissions, weird science and unexplainable events are just a handful of incidents that have been either witnessed or experienced on Skinwalker Ranch. Housed on a wide-ranging… Continue Reading →

47 Meters Down Dives Into Rough Waters

In the trailers for 47 Meters Down, some critics are saying it’s the best shark movie since Jaws, the seminal movie that defined underwater horror, premiering in 1975. That’s more than 40 years of movies. So, apparently there hasn’t been… Continue Reading →

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