Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag apprentice

Snowpiercer Equals Revolution for the Working Class

Even if the world’s become a frozen wasteland and the final threads holding humanity together lie within an always-moving train, people will continue to be the planet’s biggest monster. Class warfare, politics, privilege usurping justice and the struggles therein are… Continue Reading →

I Lost My Body Reaches for Recognition

Per Matt I Lost My Body is an animated love letter from a severed hand to its missing body. Sounds like an odd art-house horror story, yeah? Actually, it’s an award-winning film from France that’s reaching out for recognition as… Continue Reading →

Which Skywalker Will Rise? And Which Will Fall?

After Lucasfilm released the teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, speculation and rumors about the upcoming movie have swirled nonstop on the ‘net. While I tend to shy away from all trailers of any kind — because… Continue Reading →

Paging Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer’s Comic-Book Roots

With the motion-picture premiere of Doctor Strange hitting movie theaters, the comic-book origins forecast an intricate future for Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme.

William Shakespeare’s Tragedy of the Sith’s Revenge

Per Matt Rounding out the prequel trilogy, ‘Tis the War of Stars, Episode Three. As if the story, written by Shakespeare, Revealeth the Dark Side, doth he, with much fear. Evil steppeth into thine spotlight, Mayhap to challenge the Jedi… Continue Reading →

William Shakespeare’s The Phantom of Menace

Per Matt How could Quirk Books actually make Episode 1 lots of fun? Verily beseech author Ian Doescher, to get the job done. William Shakespeare’s The Phantom of Menace barely makes it look hard, Retelling George Lucas’ story, through the… Continue Reading →

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