Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Belushi Doc Brings the Fame, Pain and Shame

For most people, celebrity is fleeting. Sometimes it can take years, decades and even a lifetime to finally make your mark in the pop-culture zeitgeist. And then there’s the kind of people whose burning desire and work ethic seemingly create… Continue Reading →

Cola Wars is American as Soda

Per Matt Coke vs. Pepsi. The battle lines were drawn many years ago and the fighting continues today, but do you know the real stories behind the company’s headlines? It may not be apple pie, but Cola Wars attempts to… Continue Reading →

The Arrestingly Entertaining Tale of Barry Seal: American Made

Thank goodness the Tom Cruise-fronted, Doug Liman-directed smuggler story, American Made, wasn’t called Mena.

Snowfall n the Hood

Snowfall, created by Boyz n the Hood writer-directer John Singleton, premiered with a bang last week.

The Slashening is a Killer Genre Parody

The Slashening is another raunchy and boisterous take on a horror subgenre from Troma Entertainment. The story follows five young women during a night get-together who are in peril of being slashed by a masked assailant. The plot seems like… Continue Reading →

Zombies + Viagra = Blood Orgy at Beaver Lake

With a title like that, how can you not read this riveting post? Welcome back to another Troma film review from #hauntlife.

Wicked City

There’s plenty of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll to go along with the ’80s flair of ABC’s new procedural drama, Wicked City.

Moonbeam City

Highlighted by so many pastels and incredibly moody synth pop, Moonbeam City is much more than a parody of Miami Vice.

Alabama Phoenix Festival Interview: Jason Coleman of the BevNerd Podcast

Per Matt One of the reasons for choosing to attend the Alabama Phoenix Festival, other than its great guests and relative driving distance, was the BevNerd factor. I had so much fun attending Jason Coleman’s BevNerd panel earlier this year… Continue Reading →

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