Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag crack cocaine

Belushi Doc Brings the Fame, Pain and Shame

For most people, celebrity is fleeting. Sometimes it can take years, decades and even a lifetime to finally make your mark in the pop-culture zeitgeist. And then there’s the kind of people whose burning desire and work ethic seemingly create… Continue Reading →

Troma Highlights ZIMB Victor Goodview Quotes!

Troma Entertainment produces and distributes a wide variety of content that’s sure to appeal to different audiences. While every mid- to low-budget project from different genres that’s released may not appeal to all audiences, there’s a good chance you’ll find… Continue Reading →

Sex, Drugs and Impacted Bowels: Troma Presents Victor Goodview

I’ve been watching a lot more Troma lately than ever before and, in the midst of the schlocky, absurdist humor I’ve found in titles like Slimed and Dolphinman Battles the Sex Lobsters, I’ve forgotten that sometimes they get behind an… Continue Reading →

The Arrestingly Entertaining Tale of Barry Seal: American Made

Thank goodness the Tom Cruise-fronted, Doug Liman-directed smuggler story, American Made, wasn’t called Mena.

Snowfall n the Hood

Snowfall, created by Boyz n the Hood writer-directer John Singleton, premiered with a bang last week.

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