Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Belushi Doc Brings the Fame, Pain and Shame

For most people, celebrity is fleeting. Sometimes it can take years, decades and even a lifetime to finally make your mark in the pop-culture zeitgeist. And then there’s the kind of people whose burning desire and work ethic seemingly create… Continue Reading →

Creepy Children Spread Clive Barker’s Plague

Per Matt Fighting a relentless, faceless killer is one thing, but battling a herd of creepy children is even worse. Enter Clive Barker’s The Plague.

Now That The NFFA Has a Dirty Backstory, What’s Next For The Purge?

This is not a test. As a television series, The Purge takes a behind-the-scenes look at Big Brother and explores violence as a deterrant to violence, which ultimately only seems to create serial killers. Sounds more like an deadly, lawless… Continue Reading →

The Arrestingly Entertaining Tale of Barry Seal: American Made

Thank goodness the Tom Cruise-fronted, Doug Liman-directed smuggler story, American Made, wasn’t called Mena.

Snowfall n the Hood

Snowfall, created by Boyz n the Hood writer-directer John Singleton, premiered with a bang last week.

Minority Report

Thirteen years after Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg paired up to make a movie based on the Phillip K. Dick short story, Minority Report returns to the small screen.

What We Learned from Treasure Quest: Snake Island

Now that Season 1 is complete, what’s next for Treasure Quest: Snake Island?

Connecting Avengers: Age of Ultron and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It’s all connected. That’s what Marvel Studios proclaimed last week. During an episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. there were more than a few connections made between the TV show and the just-released movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron. So, what… Continue Reading →

Moonshiners Interview: Tim Smith

Per Matt Tim Smith has made a name for himself on the TV show, Moonshiners.

Redbox Rental: Looper

Is it possible to change the past, when you know the impending and inevitable future?

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