Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Terry Gilliam

What If 12 Monkeys Predicted the Coronavirus Pademic?

Hey, remember the ’90s? Back when every one of Bruce Willis’ movies made $100 million and Brad Pitt was just beginning to flex his acting muscles (that’s Mr. Oscar Winner to you these days). I really feel like Goat Boy,… Continue Reading →

Taika’s Transition: Adapting Akira

It takes a special type of filmmaker who’s as adept at writing and directing a hilarious original script and appearing as one of its main characters (What We Do in the Shadows), as giving new life to a Marvel film… Continue Reading →

12 Monkeys

Creating a TV show based on a 20-year-old movie, which is also based on a French short film seems like a risky business model, but 12 Monkeys is pretty solid.

Previewing Dragon Con 2014

It’s finally here: Dragon Con 2014!

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