Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Fall in Love with Your Monster

Your Monster is a genre-bending film written and directed by talented filmmaker Caroline Lindy. It premiered at Sundance 2024 in the midnight slot, normally reserved for horror films. Other than the fact that it only took $300k to make and… Continue Reading →

Armand Schools Young Parenting Fears

Like many of my fellow parents, the thought of being called to the school because my kid did something bad terrifies me. It’s not just the embarrassment of walking into the principal’s office and feeling the weight of everyone’s judgment,… Continue Reading →

Licorice Pizza is a Tasty Treat

Per Matt Upon first hearing the phrase, Licorice Pizza, I instinctually make a disgusted face. Now, I absolutely love pizza, but licorice? Not so much. And especially not together. Having grown up in the South, I had no idea about… Continue Reading →

The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling

Per Matt Garry Shandling lived multiple lives, in terms of his success in Hollywood. Each time it looked like he had plateaued, he would break on through to a higher plane. And then, improbably, he’d top his past successes, creating… Continue Reading →

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