Film noir, a genre that emerged in the 1940s, remains a beloved staple of cinematic storytelling, captivating audiences with its moody atmospheres, moral ambiguity and intricate plots. Rooted in post-war disillusionment, films like The Maltese Falcon (1941) established noir’s signature… Continue Reading →
My name is Lana, and I am a Nashville-based ghoul originally from Jackson, TN. I’ve always enjoyed movies and cinema, especially from the horror genre. I grew up watching the essential Horror 101 movies (because of my mother) and the… Continue Reading →
I have a complex relationship with the found-footage horror genre. The first one I ever watched was The Blair Witch, and it left a profound, but fleeting impact on me. I genuinely believed I was witnessing the harrowing ordeal of… Continue Reading →
Possessed pets, an infamous exorcism, a haunted doll, a pop-singer-turned-paranormal investigator, an Osbourne returns to his haunted home and all sorts of paranormal activity: Welcome to Ghostober 2022.