Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag documentary series

Marco Ortega Previews the Black is Beautiful Documentary at CBC

Per Matt Overall, the film industry doesn’t seem to have a whole lot in common with the brewing industry, but when certain topics can bring these two forces together, working for a common goal to improve life as we know… Continue Reading →

Moonage Daydream Peeks into David Bowie’s Soul

Per Matt If you thought you knew everything about David Bowie, think again. You might be a huge fan of the musician’s glam-rock stage… but you may not recognize the different types of media he explored during his hiatus from… Continue Reading →

Apple TV+ Celebrates Earth Day With Big Beasts!

Per Matt Back in the day, long before the World Wide Web changed life as we currently know it, nature documentaries premiered with limited IMAX screenings year-round, but especially on Earth Day. I remember regularly getting excited to watch the… Continue Reading →

What Actually Happened at The Devil’s Academy?

During a time long before security cameras within high schools became a reality, the Miami Aerospace Academy incident of October 25th, 1979, still haunts many. What really happened that fateful day? Was it a demonic infestation, mass hysteria or something… Continue Reading →

What Happens When Nat Geo Examines UFOs?

For most of my life, National Geographic has been synonymous with picturesque far-away lands (sometimes featuring topless natives). Growing up, my family had a subscription that lasted for years. Every month we received that little, yellow-bordered magazine in the mail… Continue Reading →

Fire of Love Burns with Intensity

Per Matt There’s obvious symbolism in play when depicting a romantic relationship alongside volcanos. For one thing, these ruptures of Earth’s crust are some of the most powerful and unpredictable forces of nature on the whole planet. Same with relationships…. Continue Reading →

Southern Hoops Reinforces College Basketball Fandoms

Per Matt I love All-Star Weekend. Every year, the week after the Super Bowl signifies football season (both college and the NFL) has technically ended, while batters and catchers have officially reported to MLB’s Spring Training. As college baseball begins,… Continue Reading →

Scream’s Shock Doc Brings True Terror to the Film Franchise

Shock Doc Sundays has a nice ring to it, especially when they air after the awards season, during the brief dead zone for major sporting events — that’s after the Super Bowl ends, but before Major League Baseball begins. If… Continue Reading →

Government Coverup or Con Job: Gold, Lies & Videotape!

I love me a good controversy. I absolutely adore lost history and government coverups. And when all of those stories collide, they’re all the better. Gold, Lies & Videotape is the byproduct of one such mashup. The truth is seemingly… Continue Reading →

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