Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag galactic science fiction

Nicolas Cage Fights for His Family at the End of the World in Arcadian

In recent years, the movie landscape has been inundated with a plethora of post-apocalyptic films, reflecting a growing fascination with dystopian futures and societal collapse. From desolate wastelands to technologically advanced but morally bankrupt societies, these movies offer an exploration… Continue Reading →

Star Wars Anoints a New Era with The Acolyte

Family bonds run tight throughout the Star Wars Universe, beginning with the Skywalkers within the Original Trilogy, later stretching into the prequel trilogy and the Solos and the Palpatines wrapping up the Sequel Trilogy. Those ties continue, possibly even stronger,… Continue Reading →

Will Invaders from Proxima B Land Its Out-of-This-World Premise?

People — myself included — love campy sci-fi movies because they provide a unique blend of nostalgia, humor and creativity. These films often embrace their low-budget roots and outlandish premises, delivering a whimsical escape from reality.

Dune: Part Two Worms its Way to a Cliffhanger

Dune stands as a sci-fi cinematic powerhouse, drawing inspiration from Frank Herbert’s novels to present visually stunning and thematically rich narratives exploring power dynamics, political intrigue and the complexities of human existence. While the 1984 adaptation received widespread acclaim, the… Continue Reading →

Alien Planet Deploys The-Enemy-of-My-Enemy-is-My-Friend Ideology

Frenemy is a term that has been used by teenagers across generations, encompassing various meanings. It can refer to someone you genuinely dislike, but pretend to get along with, or it can describe the collaboration between natural adversaries to defeat… Continue Reading →

Preventing the End of the World Via The Lazarus Project

The end of the world is kind of a big deal. There are numerous threats to humanity which can be named, but the biggest one seems to be the human race, itself. Sure, there might be dramatic climate change, disagreements… Continue Reading →

5-25-77 Leaves an Emotional Footprint in Geek Culture

Per Matt As a Child of the ’80s, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope was an emotional attachment during a time of my life when my eyes (and mind) opened to a whole new world of storytelling that… Continue Reading →

What Happens When Nat Geo Examines UFOs?

For most of my life, National Geographic has been synonymous with picturesque far-away lands (sometimes featuring topless natives). Growing up, my family had a subscription that lasted for years. Every month we received that little, yellow-bordered magazine in the mail… Continue Reading →

Occupation: Rainfall is a Shining Gem in a Sea of Drab Netflix Offerings

Now that awards season is in its final lap, I am starting to go back to one of my guilty pleasures: watching independent, mindless action films. When I say mindless, I am not saying the cast and crew behind the… Continue Reading →

Star Trek: Picard Isn’t Bold Enough

As a teenager in high school, my nights typically were a toss-up of video games, band practice or some RPG action within the Star Wars Universe. One night, I turned to our local Fox channel, hoping for something like Tales… Continue Reading →

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