Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Gamers: The Play

Secret Level Ambitiously Honors Gaming of All Formats

Warhammer 40,000 is the current hobby of choice in my household, rekindling a passion that began in the 1990s when the game was first released. Back then, I was captivated by the intricate miniatures, deep strategy and rich lore, but… Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Fallout Series is Utterly Irresistible

There’s something utterly irresistible about the Fallout video game series that keeps me hooked like a Nuka-Cola addict in the wasteland. It’s like stepping into a time machine that’s gone haywire, hurling me into a future that’s both bizarrely ’50s… Continue Reading →

Here We Go! The Super Mario Bros. Return to the Big Screen!

Being a gamer with a love of film, I wondered how well a movie about the Mario brothers would translate to the big screen. In the ’90s, my life was consumed by the Nintendo Entertainment System. So, in 1993, when… Continue Reading →

Tetris Plays Nostalgically for Gamers of a Certain Age

Per Matt I have a love-hate relationship with Tetris, the video game. One of the first memories I have with it spawned from my high-school computing class. The little Macintosh black-and-white computer screen welcomed me into its gameplay, much like… Continue Reading →

The Girls of Gam3rcon Interview: Lauren Selman and Annalice Heinz

Per Matt Starting today, Wednesday July 17th, Gam3rcon, the premier gaming convention that brings gamers and pop-culture fans together, begins with a Preview Night at the 10th Avenue Theatre, featuring a massive rooftop paint party. Video games, tabletop game, comedy,… Continue Reading →

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