Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag language barrier

Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force is a Mythic Spectacle

Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated by mythical creatures — dragons soaring through stormy skies, giants shaking the earth with every step and demons lurking in the shadows, whispering forgotten lore. There’s something deeply enthralling about these beings, whether they symbolize… Continue Reading →

Robot Dreams Speaks a Universal Language in Silence

As a film critic, I occasionally get the chance to explore movies created beyond the borders of the United States. While some prove excellent enough for me to want to share with friends, I often have a recurring inquiry: Is… Continue Reading →

Something About The Swarm Bugs Me…

Per Matt What happens when edible locusts go bad? Something’s abuzz with these bugs once they taste blood in The Swarm!

Taiwan’s Hospital Brings Jump Scares to Netflix

Per Matt A good movie is a good movie, no matter the language in which it is filmed. So, the exact moment I read about multiple mysterious deaths and suicides throughout the years happening at Xinglin Hospital, which now lies… Continue Reading →

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