Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag most prolific anime voice actor in the United States

Stopmotion is the Horror Masterpiece That Fans Have Long Awaited

The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline and Frankenweenie share more than just Tim Burton’s directorial touch. These films are united by their use of stop-motion animation, a meticulous and time-consuming process. Despite the challenges, these movies, alongside many others, have earned their… Continue Reading →

Does Bob’s Burgers Deserve a Movie?

Per Matt Preparing for The Bob’s Burgers Movie, I took a deep dive into my DVR. You see, I’ve been a fan of the show ever since its FOX premiere 12 years ago, but I’ve been slacking lately. With 65… Continue Reading →

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Expands Upon The Clone Wars

Per Matt Disney absolutely owns the date, May the Fourth. Unofficially dubbed Star Wars Day, major religious and political events have happened upon this date throughout history, but fans of the films (and other related properties) have declared this the… Continue Reading →

MTAC Interview: Monica Rial

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