Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag national security risk

Abigail’s Bloody Adaptation

Per Matt Back in the day when Bela Lugosi graced the silver screen, vampires were an elegant sort. They were nightmare creatures only whispered about through folk tales, who flirted with death (and beautiful women) daily. Unbelievably, it’s been almost… Continue Reading →

Project Dorothy Fuels the Flames of AI Fears

Horror movies have long been masters at exploiting our deepest fears, but now, a new breed of terror emerges from the intersection of technology and the unknown. As artificial intelligence permeates every aspect of our lives, it inevitably seeps into… Continue Reading →

What Happens When Nat Geo Examines UFOs?

For most of my life, National Geographic has been synonymous with picturesque far-away lands (sometimes featuring topless natives). Growing up, my family had a subscription that lasted for years. Every month we received that little, yellow-bordered magazine in the mail… Continue Reading →

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