Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag opinion

The Complete Story of Film is Innovative, Emotional and Opinionated

Per Matt William Goldman once said, “Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work.” Amen to that. The Oscar-winning screenwriter/quote machine knew the Hollywood risk-to-reward ratio was a fickle thing, one… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee, Thank You for Making Me a Better Person

Stan Lee wrote the gospel of the Marvel Universe and I became a true believer. With Stan passing away on November 12, 2018, I can’t help but look back at the influence he had in my life. More than any… Continue Reading →

James Gunn, Twitter and Other Things That Will Offend You

You are about to be offended. The fact that I even have to open an article with that statement infuriates me. But, since we live in an age of instant communication, where no one listens and everyone insists on shouting,… Continue Reading →

Don’t be THAT Person! What to Expect at a Haunted House!

Yes, the haunted house season, for this year, has come and gone. Many owners around the country are now looking at all the feedback they are getting online from customers, letting them know what they loved and hated about their… Continue Reading →

A Thank You Letter to Dr. Tyson

Just before Thanksgiving, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s speaking tour came through Nashville. My mind swelled and stayed that way for days upon days of pondering afterward. The holiday came and went, along with social-media posts about being thankful and I concluded… Continue Reading →

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