Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag scandals

Film Masters Reintroduces Door-to-Door Maniac and Right Hand of the Devil!

In all of my years watching and enjoying movies, I never would have guessed that the Johnny Cash-Ronnie Howard team-up was just the pairing I needed to make my day. On August 27th, Film Masters will release a double dose… Continue Reading →

Dirty Money, Blackmail and Murder Sustain Film Masters’ Swiss Conspiracy

Per Matt Five secret bank account holders face off with unknown terrorists and the deadly consequences they bring in Film Masters’ The Swiss Conspiracy Special Edition. It’s mo’ money, mo’ problems, as the collector’s edition Blu-ray and DVD will be… Continue Reading →

What Actually Happened at The Devil’s Academy?

During a time long before security cameras within high schools became a reality, the Miami Aerospace Academy incident of October 25th, 1979, still haunts many. What really happened that fateful day? Was it a demonic infestation, mass hysteria or something… Continue Reading →

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