Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag space debris

Star Trek: Picard Isn’t Bold Enough

As a teenager in high school, my nights typically were a toss-up of video games, band practice or some RPG action within the Star Wars Universe. One night, I turned to our local Fox channel, hoping for something like Tales… Continue Reading →

History Investigates the Cursed Waters of The Bermuda Triangle

Alien abductions, electronic fog, rogue waves, methane gas, vortexes and unusual phenomena; many strange incidents have occurred within the 500,000 square-mile enigma known as the Bermuda Triangle, and these are only a few of the elements blamed for countless ship… Continue Reading →

Uncovering the Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch

Is it a mining reality show? Does it expose paranormal experiences within the Uinta Basin? And what about that reported buried treasure? Each one of these storylines are explored as a new property owner searches for the truth, while constantly… Continue Reading →

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