Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Never Go Full Burton: A Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Summary

Hardcore fans of Tropic Thunder might recognize the random line of dialogue referenced in my title, which is found near the conclusion of the 2008 film. While it was crude in its execution and could have been stated more elegantly,… Continue Reading →

Halo Fans Deserve a Better Live-Action Adaptation

Cynical gamers weren’t too shocked by the recent revelation that the Halo streaming series was cancelled due to poor ratings. There was so much promise this time around for the Showtime-produced program, but after two seasons, it simply didn’t work… Continue Reading →

Feel It, Chase It: Twisters Brings the Storm and the Sentiment

As a fan of the 1996 film, Twister, I eagerly anticipated how the sequel, Twisters, would capture the thrilling and nostalgic essence of its predecessor. The original was a groundbreaking film that combined state-of-the-art special effects with a gripping story… Continue Reading →

A Quiet Place: Day One Brings Lupita Nyong’o’s Best Performance Yet

In a movie landscape where the horror genre often relies on overt scares and relentless gore, A Quiet Place emerged as a refreshing film that was both suspenseful and minimalistic. Directed by John Krasinski, the original film captivated audiences with… Continue Reading →

Chapter 1 Reintroduces The Strangers’ Horrors

Navigating prequels can be a tricky business venture. On one hand, you’re dealing with already-established characters, while placing them in new situations. Their audience awareness was high enough that a production company decided to invest more money into telling their… Continue Reading →

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