Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Blink Twice is a Twisty Thriller You Need to See

Blink Twice is a psychological thriller that marks the directorial and producing debut of Zoë Kravitz, a highly regarded actress I greatly enjoy. As the daughter of iconic figures Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz, she has carved out a successful… Continue Reading →

Sleep is Rare in This South Korean Thriller

Sleep has become something I truly cherish in these past few years as a new mother. One thing they don’t tell you about having a newborn is the anxiety that can set in as the sun begins to go down…. Continue Reading →

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch Explores Even More Unusual Phenomena

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch continues to prove with each and every episode that something strange is happening within the Uinta Basin. But what if there were just as many unusual phenomena happening outside the property’s borders? Beyond Skinwalker Ranch… Continue Reading →

Scream’s Shock Doc Brings True Terror to the Film Franchise

Shock Doc Sundays has a nice ring to it, especially when they air after the awards season, during the brief dead zone for major sporting events — that’s after the Super Bowl ends, but before Major League Baseball begins. If… Continue Reading →

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