Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag unfunny

If Transformers One is Canon Moving Forward…

How many times can a story get reimagined before all of its previous versions somehow merge together, becoming one amorphous blob where bits and pieces are used from each release, moving forward? What’s familiar is new again as Transformers One… Continue Reading →

Me, Myself & the Void Offers a Glimpse Into the Tragedy of Comedians

I’ve always been struck by the tragic irony that some of the funniest people to ever grace the stage or screen — people like Robin Williams, John Belushi and Chris Farley — were also the ones hiding the deepest pain…. Continue Reading →

The Orville Season 2, So Far

I had been looking forward to the return of The Orville on television. I had enjoyed much of the first season and often watched it with my dad, who’s a big fan of sci-fi like the old Star Trek.

Office Christmas Party is on the Naughty List

The holidays are here, and with great Yuletide traditions come another batch of Christmas-themed movies. Classics like A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation and Home Alone are go-to favorites for this time of year. Yet, there are also the lesser-known Christmas… Continue Reading →

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