Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Little Bites Puts a Demonic Face on Addiction

Working as a clerk for the local sheriff’s department, I saw a lot of tragic stories, but one that always stuck with me was a young mother addicted to meth, who cycled in and out of jail. No matter how… Continue Reading →

Dark Nuns Prepare for Pressing Possessions

Back in high school, there was this one teacher who had a habit of giving pop quizzes that weren’t just difficult, they were downright unfair. One day, a friend of mine (who will remain nameless) — who was barely passing… Continue Reading →

Fall in Love with Your Monster

Your Monster is a genre-bending film written and directed by talented filmmaker Caroline Lindy. It premiered at Sundance 2024 in the midnight slot, normally reserved for horror films. Other than the fact that it only took $300k to make and… Continue Reading →

The Prosecutor Blends Intrigue, Drama and Pulse-Pounding Action

We have all done stuff when we were kids that we regret. When I was 8 years old, I was accused of stealing the last chocolate-chip cookie from the jar. The cookie in question, mind you, was the crown jewel… Continue Reading →

Seductively Steamy Babygirl Lets Nicole Kidman Loose

Just in time for the holiday season, Babygirl‘s December 25th release showcases dark fantasies, pulse-pounding exhilaration, sexual roleplay and workplace politics within a rigid environment. You might as well wish the ongoing awards season a Merry XXXMas!

Armand Schools Young Parenting Fears

Like many of my fellow parents, the thought of being called to the school because my kid did something bad terrifies me. It’s not just the embarrassment of walking into the principal’s office and feeling the weight of everyone’s judgment,… Continue Reading →

The Penguin is the Most Compelling Character on TV Today

The Penguin is one of Batman’s most underrated villains, and it’s honestly a shame that he doesn’t get more recognition. While villains like Joker and Bane grab all the attention, Oswald Cobblepot brings a unique blend of intellect, sophistication and… Continue Reading →

Catch a Killer Debuts at the 55th Nashville Film Festival

Film noir, a genre that emerged in the 1940s, remains a beloved staple of cinematic storytelling, captivating audiences with its moody atmospheres, moral ambiguity and intricate plots. Rooted in post-war disillusionment, films like The Maltese Falcon (1941) established noir’s signature… Continue Reading →

Shudder Gives New Life to Mute Witness Nearly Three Decades Later

In the realm of horror cinema, 1995 was a remarkable year. Se7en, starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, captivated audiences with its dark tone and macabre subject matter. Director Roger Donaldson’s Species followed a team of scientists attempting to thwart… Continue Reading →

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