Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Project Dorothy Fuels the Flames of AI Fears

Horror movies have long been masters at exploiting our deepest fears, but now, a new breed of terror emerges from the intersection of technology and the unknown. As artificial intelligence permeates every aspect of our lives, it inevitably seeps into… Continue Reading →

Alien Planet Deploys The-Enemy-of-My-Enemy-is-My-Friend Ideology

Frenemy is a term that has been used by teenagers across generations, encompassing various meanings. It can refer to someone you genuinely dislike, but pretend to get along with, or it can describe the collaboration between natural adversaries to defeat… Continue Reading →

The X-Men Meet Apocalypse, One Powerful Adversary

With the installment of X-Men: Apocalypse, X-Men has become the Marvel franchise with the most movies in its series. Veteran director Bryan Singer returns in this installment, removed from only X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men: First Class and the two… Continue Reading →

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