Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Little Bites Puts a Demonic Face on Addiction

Working as a clerk for the local sheriff’s department, I saw a lot of tragic stories, but one that always stuck with me was a young mother addicted to meth, who cycled in and out of jail. No matter how… Continue Reading →

A Quiet Place: Day One Brings Lupita Nyong’o’s Best Performance Yet

In a movie landscape where the horror genre often relies on overt scares and relentless gore, A Quiet Place emerged as a refreshing film that was both suspenseful and minimalistic. Directed by John Krasinski, the original film captivated audiences with… Continue Reading →

Wrapping Up The Walking Dead: A New Frontier — Episodes 4 and 5

In closing this series, we will discuss more about the relationships of the characters and theorize about how this storyline might affect the TV show.

The Walking Dead Gets Above the Law in A New Frontier

In the last articles for Episode One and Two, I took a lenient approach to my review. For my next installments, I’m not going to hold back much. From this point on, the general mechanics, graphics and overall gameplay have already… Continue Reading →

Michonne Comes To The Telltale ‘Verse

I’ll admit it. Before being asked to review the new installment of Telltale Games’ episodic series set in the world of The Walking Dead… I had basically written off the concept, overall. The original games didn’t really hold my interest…. Continue Reading →

Halo: Nightfall

Per Matt Microsoft Studios seems to be serious about filming quality entertainment for the video-game crowd.

Telltale Games: The Walking Dead

If you had to make a tough-and-terrible decision that would alter your entire universe, how would you react? Could you react quickly and not worry about the repercussions? Or would you take your time, calmly thinking it through, while the… Continue Reading →

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