Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Dark Shadows

Robert Eggers Breathes New Life into Nosferatu

My first brush with horror came one quiet afternoon when King Kong aired on cable TV. We had just gotten the cable box, and as I explored the channels, the sight of the massive ape rampaging through the jungle and… Continue Reading →

Is There a Demon in the White House?

All political jokes aside, September has always been the best time of year for me to finally ramp up to October’s terrors with many horror highlights that I may have missed in previous years (that still may haunt my DVR)…. Continue Reading →

Abigail’s Bloody Adaptation

Per Matt Back in the day when Bela Lugosi graced the silver screen, vampires were an elegant sort. They were nightmare creatures only whispered about through folk tales, who flirted with death (and beautiful women) daily. Unbelievably, it’s been almost… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Debuts a Double Bill of Cult Classics

Per Matt Less is more. That simple cultural proverb has been attributed to a variety of people throughout history, but it was absolutely taken to heart by filmmaker Ray Kellogg. Primarily known for his groundbreaking special-effects work in blockbusters during… Continue Reading →

Eli Roth Gets Demonic with The Legion of Exorcists

Per Matt Eli Roth has been a welcome addition to the Travel Channel lineup. The filmmaker, known for his brutal horror films, has seemingly slashed his way onto the network’s permanent programming grid, providing some pretty good chills in the… Continue Reading →

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch Explores Even More Unusual Phenomena

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch continues to prove with each and every episode that something strange is happening within the Uinta Basin. But what if there were just as many unusual phenomena happening outside the property’s borders? Beyond Skinwalker Ranch… Continue Reading →

Gotham Knights May Be The CW’s Best Superhero Show, Yet

The CW Network has been a bountiful harvest for comic book fans for the past decade. Starting with the Arrow series, the channel has expanded upon the DC comic book world, creating what is now known as the Arrowverse. Additionally,… Continue Reading →

Eva Green Can Do No Wrong in Liaison

Per Matt I’m not gonna lie, I like Eva Green. She’s French and she’s a pretty great actress… oh yeah, she’s very easy to look at, as well. I guess I first laid eyes on her in The Golden Compass,… Continue Reading →

Scream’s Shock Doc Brings True Terror to the Film Franchise

Shock Doc Sundays has a nice ring to it, especially when they air after the awards season, during the brief dead zone for major sporting events — that’s after the Super Bowl ends, but before Major League Baseball begins. If… Continue Reading →

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