Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Brutalist is an Engagingly Excessive Epic

Growing up, I always marveled at how my older half-brother, Ed, seemed to live in a completely different world than I did. While I was struggling to understand the basics of geometry, he was sketching intricate designs of buildings. Ed… Continue Reading →

100 Ghosts: A Gallery of Harmless Haunts

Ghosts, like humans, come in all shapes and sizes. You may never know if you’re staring at one, dead in the face, until you read this book.

Nashville Geek Life Interview: Brianna Reed

Per My Brother Brianna Reed realized the need to organize the local geek community. With the creation of Nashville Geek Life, she hopes to spread the word that Nashville has many local geek-friendly events, including conventions, meet-up groups and unconferences…. Continue Reading →

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