Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag emotionless

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts for A Different Man

A24’s A Different Man is essentially the male counterpart of The Substance. Both films explore the societal pressures on individuals and how these pressures influence our actions, particularly regarding our appearances. The Substance explores America’s obsession with life-altering drugs and… Continue Reading →

The Hive Offers Swarms of Similarities

The horror genre is rife with films that often seem like mere replicas of one another. For example, in 2005, both The Descent and The Cave told tales of a group of spelunking friends who find themselves pursued by cave-dwelling… Continue Reading →

My Spy Proves That Dave Bautista Is No Arnold Schwarzenegger

Growing up, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the quintessential action movie star. Basically, if you wanted a strong, muscle-bound hero who just oozed charisma, Arnold was your man. Starting with Conan The Barbarian, I was hooked on him. I remember my mom… Continue Reading →

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