Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters


Redbox Rental: Pacific Rim

In a battle of giant beasts vs. massive robots, the survival of humanity lies in the balance.

Alabama Phoenix Festival Interview: Chris Pope of Guys From Andromeda

Per Matt Chris Pope (also known as The SpacePope) recently made a brief appearance at the Alabama Phoenix Festival to promote the upcoming game, SpaceVenture. As a co-founder of Guys From Andromeda LLC, Chris is hard at work, getting the… Continue Reading →

GMX Volume 5 Preview: Steven “Zot” Unverzagt Interview

Per My Brother Not too long ago, while attending the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, I caught up with GMX Vice President and Executive Director Steven “Zot” Unverzagt for a quick preview of this year’s Geek Media Expo, which takes place… Continue Reading →

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