Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag humanity’s last stand

Paperbacks From Hell is a Killer Read

Per Matt Growing up, long before dial-up modems were a thing and the internet was confined to the military’s ARPANET, the only way to access the information superhighway was by visiting the neighborhood drug store, grocery store and bookstore, where… Continue Reading →

James Cameron Explores Science Fiction (Among Other Genres)

Remember back in the day when people actually bought DVDs, which highlighted incredible supplemental behind-the-scenes documentaries that explored related topics to their subject matter? Those were the best! Clearly I’m not a big collector, as I haven’t bought a DVD… Continue Reading →

What’s for Dinner When the World Ends?

When the world is running down, how will you fend for yourself? Will you starve to death or will your years of preparation finally pay off? The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse offers not only easy-to-follow food-preparation recipes… Continue Reading →

Syfy Special: Rise of the Zombies

Cleaning out my Tivo, I run across Rise of the Zombies… a random flick I recorded on the Syfy Channel. I don’t normally watch Syfy, let alone record low-budget movies that air on the channel. Regardless, I thought I’d give… Continue Reading →

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