Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag innocent bystander

The Prosecutor Blends Intrigue, Drama and Pulse-Pounding Action

We have all done stuff when we were kids that we regret. When I was 8 years old, I was accused of stealing the last chocolate-chip cookie from the jar. The cookie in question, mind you, was the crown jewel… Continue Reading →

Blitz is an Exploration of Love, Sacrifice and Resilience

The love a parent has for their child is often seen as the ultimate expression of selflessness. It’s a bond so profound and instinctive that it drives parents to take unimaginable risks and make tremendous sacrifices, in order to protect… Continue Reading →

Recapping the Unique Themes from FX’s Fargo

Outside of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and other instant-watch services, the traditional airing of televised shows tends to fit neatly into seasonal slots throughout the year. For narrative TV shows, the networks typically adhere to the following release schedule: Premiering early spring shows, late… Continue Reading →

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