Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Josh Braun

This is a Film About The Black Keys Closes the Nashville Film Festival

I am a big fan of origin stories. I really enjoy learning the history of a character or a real-life person who rises to the challenges that may face them within their lives who ultimately becomes something great. Recently, origin… Continue Reading →

Fire of Love Burns with Intensity

Per Matt There’s obvious symbolism in play when depicting a romantic relationship alongside volcanos. For one thing, these ruptures of Earth’s crust are some of the most powerful and unpredictable forces of nature on the whole planet. Same with relationships…. Continue Reading →

The Velvet Underground Documents Pop Art and Experimental Music

Per Matt Not all concert films are the same! Sure, there’s plenty of behind-the-scenes clips, archive footage and startling revelations, but the very first documentary released by director Todd Haynes highlights montages while exploring the relationships between band members of… Continue Reading →

Apollo 11 May Be the Best Documentary, Ever!

Per Matt Knowledge of everything pertaining to outer space is imperative for the survival of the human race. While it may not be conquerable, man’s journey to survive the harshest of environments began with Yuri Gagarin’s record-breaking journey outside of… Continue Reading →

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