Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Apple TV+ Celebrates Earth Day With Big Beasts!

Per Matt Back in the day, long before the World Wide Web changed life as we currently know it, nature documentaries premiered with limited IMAX screenings year-round, but especially on Earth Day. I remember regularly getting excited to watch the… Continue Reading →

Geek Culture and the New Era of Oscars

In less than a week, the 89th Academy Awards will commence. For the everyday moviegoer, the Oscars have commemorated a selection of niche films until recently. Though, often, art-house movies come away with the top awards, relatively popular movies clean… Continue Reading →

Zootopia Reinterprets the Animal Kingdom

Per Matt When a film features SEVEN writers, three directors and undergoes a major rewrite, its troubled production schedule generally receives a bit of bad publicity. But when the movie in question is an animated Disney release, all possible negatives… Continue Reading →

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