Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Lisa Bruce

Paranormal Activity Haunts Blumhouse’s Manor

Per Matt Death is but a stage in the circle of life. It’s only natural to be fearful about passing on during some point in your life. Making the most of your time alive should be more important than worrying… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Welcomes Rosemary’s Baby Vibes With Madres

Per Matt A Spanish-flavored horror film? Welcome to the Blumhouse brings some variety with the Season 2 release, Madres!

Black as Night Welcomes Vampires to the Blumhouse

Per Matt Vampires can be complicated creatures. They could simply be bloodsuckers fighting for survival, they could be moody teenagers or they can work on multiple social levels. Welcome to the Blumhouse brings these latter story elements into the horror… Continue Reading →

Welcome to the Blumhouse Brings You Bingo Hell!

Per Matt As I get older, I look forward to Halloween a little bit more each year. In my younger days, I enjoyed trick or treating. Then I gravitated toward the jump scares offered by haunted attractions, but having grown… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Peeks Inside the Black Box

Per Matt What are we without our personal experiences or our memories? Without actually knowing who we are, without really knowing our own character, how can we differentiate one person from another? When those very specific aspects are removed, what… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Gives the Evil Eye to Horror Fans

Per Matt The best type of stories involve mysterious characters, dark family secrets and at least one character who can see through the haze that’s clouding the vision of everyone else in order to combat true evil. And those that… Continue Reading →

Nocturne is a Welcome Addition to the Blumhouse Family of Films

Per Matt When your favorite house of horrors releases four movies within a two-week period leading up to Halloween, you definitely take notice. And when they’re only available via Amazon Prime’s streaming service, you scramble to do everything you can… Continue Reading →

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