Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag medical conditions

Dark Nuns Prepare for Pressing Possessions

Back in high school, there was this one teacher who had a habit of giving pop quizzes that weren’t just difficult, they were downright unfair. One day, a friend of mine (who will remain nameless) — who was barely passing… Continue Reading →

Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story Flys High

Truth. Justice. And the American Way. This was a catch phrase that eventually became the symbolic characteristics of the alien Kal-El, whose small-town roots would eventually form the basis of Superman back in 1938. The all-American character (from another planet)… Continue Reading →

George Romero’s Amusement Park is an Uncomfortable Look at the Elderly

Director George Romero may have passed away in 2017, but his legacy lives on. Most people will know the legendary director as the father of Zombies, with his Night of the Living Dead movies being iconic horror films. Other Romero… Continue Reading →

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