Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag mother nature

Film Masters Unleashes the Blood Beast and Yvette Vickers!

You’ve got to hand it to Roger Corman: He sure knows how to make low-budget monster movies memorable! With Night of the Blood Beast Special Edition, Film Masters releases a new 4K restoration from original 35mm archival elements in a… Continue Reading →

Feel It, Chase It: Twisters Brings the Storm and the Sentiment

As a fan of the 1996 film, Twister, I eagerly anticipated how the sequel, Twisters, would capture the thrilling and nostalgic essence of its predecessor. The original was a groundbreaking film that combined state-of-the-art special effects with a gripping story… Continue Reading →

Evil Does Not Exist… Or Does It?

Japan understands Mother Nature. If you’ve ever watched an anime by Hayao Miyazaki, you’d easily recognize that being one with your environment is something very important within Japanese culture. Taking ownership in not ruining your environment is a topic that… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Debuts a Double Bill of Cult Classics

Per Matt Less is more. That simple cultural proverb has been attributed to a variety of people throughout history, but it was absolutely taken to heart by filmmaker Ray Kellogg. Primarily known for his groundbreaking special-effects work in blockbusters during… Continue Reading →

Preventing the End of the World Via The Lazarus Project

The end of the world is kind of a big deal. There are numerous threats to humanity which can be named, but the biggest one seems to be the human race, itself. Sure, there might be dramatic climate change, disagreements… Continue Reading →

Apple TV+ Celebrates Earth Day With Big Beasts!

Per Matt Back in the day, long before the World Wide Web changed life as we currently know it, nature documentaries premiered with limited IMAX screenings year-round, but especially on Earth Day. I remember regularly getting excited to watch the… Continue Reading →

Fire of Love Burns with Intensity

Per Matt There’s obvious symbolism in play when depicting a romantic relationship alongside volcanos. For one thing, these ruptures of Earth’s crust are some of the most powerful and unpredictable forces of nature on the whole planet. Same with relationships…. Continue Reading →

Secure Your Stash and Beware the Cocaine Bear!

Per Matt So, there’s a wild bear… that discovers some cocaine. I mean, a whole lot of cocaine. That singular premise intrigued me enough to watch Universal’s latest release, Cocaine Bear. It’s a simple concept that’s comparable to Snakes on… Continue Reading →

Tidings of Terror Tells True Season’s Greetings

For Christmas Day, I chose to briefly pause the current FYC awards season in order to watch a new program that sparked my interest purely from its title. And it only seemed natural to watch today, offering Tidings of Terror… Continue Reading →

History Investigates the Cursed Waters of The Bermuda Triangle

Alien abductions, electronic fog, rogue waves, methane gas, vortexes and unusual phenomena; many strange incidents have occurred within the 500,000 square-mile enigma known as the Bermuda Triangle, and these are only a few of the elements blamed for countless ship… Continue Reading →

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