Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is a Worthy RPG Film

I have been a fan of role-playing games (RPGs) for many years. For those not in the know, an RPG is a game where players take on the persona of the character they are playing. You can become a galaxy-renowned… Continue Reading →

5-25-77 Leaves an Emotional Footprint in Geek Culture

Per Matt As a Child of the ’80s, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope was an emotional attachment during a time of my life when my eyes (and mind) opened to a whole new world of storytelling that… Continue Reading →

The Zompocalypse Therapy Sessions Beats Pandemic Movie Fatigue with Comedy

In 2020, the world was placed on hold due to the global pandemic. And ever since, filmmakers have used this outbreak as a basis for the stories they bring to the masses. The trend has sparked a new subgenre called… Continue Reading →

Everything Everywhere All at Once Puts a New Spin on the Multiverse

The Marvel Cinematic Universe may not be the first film franchise to use the idea of multiple universes or timelines, but it has seemingly cornered the market. Before the MCU, we had a spattering of films that loosely dealt with… Continue Reading →

The Top 10 Must-See Shudder Movies for Halloween

Halloween is upon us again. In years past, it has been my favorite time of year. As I worked in the haunted-attractions business for so long, it feels awkward not to be a part of one this year (I had… Continue Reading →

Antlers is a Horror Movie with Heart

The word, “cryptid,” was one I had not heard much before. Honestly, I always thought it was a word to describe things like Zombies, vampires, wraiths and other deceased-based monsters. The reason is simple: Cryptid has the word “crypt” in… Continue Reading →

Nashville Nightmare is Back in Full Force for 2021

It’s no secret that Halloween is my favorite part of the year, by far. While Christmas comes in at a close second, the spooky season gives me so many of the things I love. We get pumpkin-spiced everything (even though… Continue Reading →

Loki is the Buddy Cop Show You Never Knew You Needed

Disney has been on a roll during the pandemic with their new television shows based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since making epic, high-budget films was not something Hollywood could do much of during 2020, these shows help keep the… Continue Reading →

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