Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag nightmare scenario

Armand Schools Young Parenting Fears

Like many of my fellow parents, the thought of being called to the school because my kid did something bad terrifies me. It’s not just the embarrassment of walking into the principal’s office and feeling the weight of everyone’s judgment,… Continue Reading →

Hulu’s Fresh Brings New Meaning to “Dinner Date”

Take it from me: Trying to find someone special is extremely hard after 40. Ever since my divorce, I have done almost everything I have been told I should be doing to get my dating life back on track. I… Continue Reading →

Terror Time Travels to Camp Nightwing in Fear Street Part Two

Per Matt A witch and a town curse… is there no end to the pain the inhabitants of Shadyside must endure? While many believe their days of suffering have nothing to do with tall tales and urban legends, their bad… Continue Reading →

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