Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Seductively Steamy Babygirl Lets Nicole Kidman Loose

Just in time for the holiday season, Babygirl‘s December 25th release showcases dark fantasies, pulse-pounding exhilaration, sexual roleplay and workplace politics within a rigid environment. You might as well wish the ongoing awards season a Merry XXXMas!

All That Glitters is Not Gold for Anora

We are currently in the midst of the awards season, and this year, I’ve set a goal to watch all the films nominated for Best Picture. Although we will find out the Oscar nominees closer to February 2025, there is… Continue Reading →

The Substance is a Brilliantly Disgusting Masterpiece of Body Horror

“Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself?” the black-market drug known as “the substance” asks, and in reality, who hasn’t? In a world of unattainable body ideals, the proliferation of diet drugs, and other body-modifying substances, how… Continue Reading →

Free LSD Offers Punk Music and E.D. Drugs to Save the World!

As a life-long fan of big-screen science fiction, I’ve seen my fill of heady topics, but never have I seen one connecting erectile dysfunction and the fate of the known world, but here we are. I mean, there’s dire straits…… Continue Reading →

What’s the Price of Fame for MaXXXine?

Many dead bodies lie in her wake on a journey to making a name for herself in 1980s Hollywood… She’s part maverick, part psycho: Maxine Minx is a name you shouldn’t soon forget within the horror genre! I’m sure there… Continue Reading →

From Porno to Pulp: A24’s X Enjoys Pleasure Before Pain

Per Matt What happens when an aspiring group of entrepreneurs films a pornographic movie on a rural Texas farm without revealing the finer details to the property’s owners? A24 Films’ latest release, X, exposes its true themes as it repositions… Continue Reading →

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