Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag power struggle

Technology Goes Dark and Bloody in Possessor

We live in a world that both owns and is owned by technology. Everywhere you look, tech controls so much. Think about your day, today. When you woke up, you were probably awakened by either your smartphone or smart clock…. Continue Reading →

Grief Rears Its Ugly Head in Fishbowl

We all deal with grief differently. And the funny thing about grief is how we react to it sometimes changes, even when most everything is the same. When my father passed away, I was distraught. My dad was my hero…. Continue Reading →

The Food That Built America Celebrates Independence Day

Per Matt Independence Day conjures a variety of images in my mind. You’ve got your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. You’ve got food grilling and a variety of summer dishes to eat, while staying out… Continue Reading →

Mars Season 2 is Full of Power Plays and Politics

When did politics seep into a possible bright future for colonizing the Red Planet? Sadly, the accurate answer is Season 2 of Mars, when a private corporation competes for resources with the pre-established international scientific coalition and too much drama ensues.

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