Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag rebrand

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Closes Out the DCEU

Per Matt This weekend, temperatures will drop throughout the country, as some cities face the possibility of a White Christmas, but movie theaters will be heating up, as Jason Momoa returns to rule his underwater lair in Aquaman and the… Continue Reading →

A Spy Among Friends Celebrates the Intelligence Community

Per Matt Growing up, Spy vs. Spy was one of my favorite features of MAD magazine. Back in the day, I loved the wily White Spy and the bad-ass Black Spy. Each one seemed to be more familiar with their… Continue Reading →

Visiting Portals to Hell

Travel Channel gets a little spooky with a rebrand and the station’s newest paranormal TV show that investigates “the darkest, most sinister haunted places on Earth.”

Batman — Telltale Episode 2: Consequences and Characters

I had five seconds to make a choice, a life-or-death decision, one that would affect a friend and myself for eternity. The purple bar shortened, indicating the time left. I pressed the button quickly, damning that character to a tortuous… Continue Reading →

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