Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag sadistic individuals

The Hive Offers Swarms of Similarities

The horror genre is rife with films that often seem like mere replicas of one another. For example, in 2005, both The Descent and The Cave told tales of a group of spelunking friends who find themselves pursued by cave-dwelling… Continue Reading →

Beau Is Afraid is a Three-Hour Schizophrenic Episode

Throughout my life, I have seen many films that I thought were disturbing. At the tender age of 15, someone brought a copy of The Exorcist to watch at at my Halloween party. I made it to the crucifix scene,… Continue Reading →

Monsters Wanted

Per Matt When you’re building a haunted attraction for the very first time, there’s sure to be a few bumps along the road. Thoughtfly Films presents Monsters Wanted, which chronicles the rise of Louisville’s Asylum Haunted Scream Park.

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