Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Seasonal Collection

Christmastime Horrors Haunt Down Below

It was a crisp autumn afternoon when I decided to visit a pumpkin patch I’d heard about from a friend. Armed with scribbled directions on a sticky note (as this was before the advent of GPS), I set off down… Continue Reading →

Tailspin Ale Fest Launches Louisville’s Winter Warmer on March 2nd!

Per Matt Kentucky might be world renowned for its Bourbon Trail, but if you ask the locals employed within its craft-beer scene, a second, fast-growing trend tends to get closely associated with the state’s boozy roots: The winter warmer. This… Continue Reading →

Beer with a Brewmaster: Rich Kilcullen

Per Matt Whenever sour beers are mentioned, a certain funk comes to mind that’s all the rage in the craft-beer culture these days. Living in the South, one of the most well-known producers of sour beers is Wicked Weed Brewing…. Continue Reading →

Blue Moon’s White IPA Brewmaster Dinner

Per Matt Beer dinners are all the rage these days, but Blue Moon Brewing Company has been hosting nationwide beer-dinner pairings ever since the brewery opened 20 years ago. Last week, Blue Moon wrapped up a five-city tour featuring their… Continue Reading →

Beer with a Brewmaster: Blue Moon’s Keith Villa

Per Matt Just a few days ago, the Blue Moon Brewing Company sponsored an exclusive White IPA Brewmaster Dinner that concluded a five-city cross-country tour at Nashville’s Urban Grub restaurant. The four-course meal was paired with four different Blue Moon… Continue Reading →

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