Troma Entertainment produces and distributes a wide variety of content that’s sure to appeal to different audiences. While every mid- to low-budget project from different genres that’s released may not appeal to all audiences, there’s a good chance you’ll find… Continue Reading →
I’ve been watching a lot more Troma lately than ever before and, in the midst of the schlocky, absurdist humor I’ve found in titles like Slimed and Dolphinman Battles the Sex Lobsters, I’ve forgotten that sometimes they get behind an… Continue Reading →
2016 was a mixed bag when it comes to horror films. There were tons of films that came out, for sure, but only a few that were watchable… and those few that were good were very well done.
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Redbox Rental: World War Z
At what point do you resign yourself to an insurmountable force? One that never seems to end?