Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Dear Santa is Like a Christmas Version of Beetlejuice

Released in 1988, Beetlejuice quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Tim Burton combined quirky humor, inventive visuals and a delightfully macabre sensibility that captured audiences’ imaginations. With its unforgettable performances — most notably Michael Keaton’s manic and mischievous portrayal of the… Continue Reading →

The Hive Offers Swarms of Similarities

The horror genre is rife with films that often seem like mere replicas of one another. For example, in 2005, both The Descent and The Cave told tales of a group of spelunking friends who find themselves pursued by cave-dwelling… Continue Reading →

Ghosts’ Bed and Breakfast Meets Maximum Capacity

A house doesn’t have to be haunted in order for lingering spirits to be attached to the property. I believe in guardian angels, as well as mischievous souls stuck in Purgatory. Growing up in a very old farmhouse (which is… Continue Reading →

William Shatner vs. Ancient Aliens: History’s Greatest Crossover

Per Matt William Shatner never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like (at least while appearing on reality TV). So, when the pop-culture icon appeared on Ancient Aliens last week to debate the ancient astronaut theory, the two-hour long episode… Continue Reading →

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