Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag sleep study

Sleep is Rare in This South Korean Thriller

Sleep has become something I truly cherish in these past few years as a new mother. One thing they don’t tell you about having a newborn is the anxiety that can set in as the sun begins to go down…. Continue Reading →

Nashville Film Festival Shorts and Spirit Halloween: The Movie

It’s the first day of October and that means it’s an all-new day at the Nashville Film Festival… so it’s time to watch some all-new entertainment! Matt takes a look at the short films Shedding Angels, OST. and Night of… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Peeks Inside the Black Box

Per Matt What are we without our personal experiences or our memories? Without actually knowing who we are, without really knowing our own character, how can we differentiate one person from another? When those very specific aspects are removed, what… Continue Reading →

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