Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag songwriter

Standing in the Shadows of Motown

Per Matt As Labor Day honors and recognizes the contributions of laborers in the United States, I thought it would be a pretty good time to shine the spotlight on the hard-working studio musicians of Detroit who became the backbone… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Nashville Wine & Food Festival

Per Matt This weekend, craft beer, wine, cocktails and food will all be celebrated at the second annual Nashville Wine & Food Festival!

MTAC Interview: Eric Stuart

Per Matt At the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, actor/director/singer/songwriter/guitarist Eric Stuart visited the Media Suite for an interview discussing his fan-funded album contributed by many anime fans, detailing his motivation for voicing James and working on the TV show… Continue Reading →

Deep South Paranormal

Deep South Paranormal attempts to get proof of the paranormal from a different perspective. These self-proclaimed rednecks ghost hunt everything from the bayou to haunted plantations and everything in between.

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