Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Southern hospitality

The Craft Brewers Conference Poured into Music City

Per Matt For only the second time, ever, Nashville, Tennessee hosted the Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo America trade show. From May 8th to the 10th, thousands of brewers and brewing industry representatives poured into Music City, bringing an energy… Continue Reading →

Beer with a Brewmaster: Roy Milner

Per Matt Blackberry Farm is well known for being a luxury resort nestled within the Great Smoky Mountains, but you may not know the property has been brewing world-class beer for the last five years. Currently distributed in 29 states,… Continue Reading →

Impressions of a First-Time Dragon Con Attendee

“What’s your favorite fandom?”

Dragon Con Interview: Shannon Chesnut

Per Matt Perish the thought, but if there’s ever a global disaster taking place in the near future, how would you react to the end of the world? Get survivalism tips, learn how to react to natural disasters, prepare for… Continue Reading →

DragonCon Interview: Tony Gowell

Per Matt Tony Gowell has a working knowledge of multiple genres. For 13 years, this native Georgian has first volunteered at DragonCon, and now is a full-time employee of the Southern convention that continues to grow, year by year. During… Continue Reading →

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