Per Matt William Goldman once said, “Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work.” Amen to that. The Oscar-winning screenwriter/quote machine knew the Hollywood risk-to-reward ratio was a fickle thing, one… Continue Reading →
Real-life paranormal events can occur in different ways at multiple locations. And to a variety of people. So, when they happen to skeptics, those same people become Believers.
Per Matt Stop me if you’ve heard this before: A washed-up Hollywood actor (known for playing a former superhero) hopes to reinvent his career by writing, directing and starring in a Broadway play.
The Complete Story of Film is Innovative, Emotional and Opinionated
Per Matt William Goldman once said, “Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work.” Amen to that. The Oscar-winning screenwriter/quote machine knew the Hollywood risk-to-reward ratio was a fickle thing, one… Continue Reading →