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Per My Brother
One of my MomoCon highlights was attending the official Toonami: Past and Present panel. Special guests include: Toonami Co-Creator Jason DeMarco, TOM Voice Actor Steve Blum and Editors Gill Austin, Sarah and Johnny Ray.

Since the Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are both located in nearby Midtown, this was as convenient a time as any to make a Toonami announcement. A new version of TOM (TOM 5.0) and his ship, the Absolution, will be revealed in April 2013 (but not on April First). A new-look Toonami logo will be revealed as well. An online comic will be released in a couple of months, linking each of the previous versions of TOM, as well. Should be a cool continuity story.

Another announcement involves Toonami’s birthday. On March 17, Toonami will be showing Evangalian 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone. That’ll be the first movie night. And there will be many smaller surprises in store as well.

And the final announcement revealed was Toonami’s new program to air: One Piece.

The gang discussed the infamous April Fool’s Day prank of 2012, creating TOM in HD, up to the present-day Toonami, which is currently back on Cartoon Network Adult Swim bock of programming.

The fans were desperate to find out if specific anime would return to the lineup, however, DeMarco admitted that most older anime doesn’t garner good ratings. That being said, they wouldn’t confirm any future programming choices. Only stating future programming choices would most likely involve shows not previously aired on Toonami.