Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag alternate skins

Deadpool & Wolverine Breathes New Life Into the MCU

The Deadpool movies have garnered a massive following due to their unique blend of irreverent humor, high-octane action and a charismatic antihero who breaks all the rules. Ryan Reynolds’ portrayal of Deadpool is pitch-perfect, delivering rapid-fire quips and meta-references that… Continue Reading →

Cobra Strikes Swiftly in G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout

Per Matt The G.I. Joe franchise has brought me a lot of joy throughout the years. Growing up, I first noticed the cartoon (along with The Transformers) airing weekday afternoons, once I returned home from school. The show sparked my… Continue Reading →

Preparing for the Overwatch Archives Event

Overwatch is finally bringing back the closest thing we have to a story mode in the form of the Overwatch Archives event. From April 10th – 30th, gamers will get to learn a little bit more about the backstories of… Continue Reading →

Friday the 13th: The Game Has Some New Content and a Purple Jason

Welcome back to #Hauntlife. I am your haunting host, Jason, and I am going to give you my review of the new content released on June 20th for Friday the 13th: The Game.

Cosplayer of the Month: Anomaly Cosplay

Per Matt They’ve been known for crafting entire costumes within three days in the past and together, Monique Fuqua and Kelli Smith team up as Anomaly Cosplay, our first Cosplayer of the Month for 2017!

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